
New Year's Resolution

I'm not really one for ever having a New Year's Resolution. I like to think that one shouldn't need to wait for a new year to come around just to change something. Especially since the majority of those individuals do not even keep their resolution. If you see something in your life that you feel you need to work on, why don't you just do it right then. I'll tell you why, it's the same reason why the majority of individuals do NOT keep their resolutions...we are LAZY. So I was bored (or even just too lazy to do the typical household chores) and did some research on New Year's Resolutions. First, I will go through the top 10 list of New Year's Resolutions that people make and then I will go through my list of things that I would hope to accomplish this year, IF I actually made a New Year's Resolution. (P.S., I may or may not have quite a few.)

So, first thing's first. Top New Year's Resolution's according to usa.gov. Mind you, I've learned in my many years of schooling that .gov and .edu sites are the most legit, so this must be true. Also, please do not mind my ridiculous comments, I may or may not be bitter...

  • Lose Weight (Big Surprise...)
  • Manage Debt
  • Save Money
  • Get A Better Job (Good luck in this economy)
  • Get Fit
  • Eat Right
  • Get A Better Education
  • Drink Less Alcohol (Good idea to save money...especially for college students)
  • Quit Smoking Now (Once again, by doing this you can save money!)
  • Reduce Stress Overall
  • Reduce Stress at Work (wouldn't that fit into the overall section?)
  • Take A Trip (with what money? the money you're trying to save? or the money you don't have anyway because you're trying to find a better job...)
  • Volunteer to Help Others (how many people actually do this?)

Quite the extensive list I would say, but good for all the people for actually thinking they can accomplish these! I truly am not this negative, just a tad bitter about the big hype of these things. I could not find one solid number on the percentage of people who actually so call achieve their goals or are successful with their resolutions but what I found in common was around 52% So, if I were to make a New Year's Resolution, I would definitely have more than 1. Why? Because then I would not be a complete failure for not accomplishing the one resolution I have. If I have numerous, I still will be successful, even if I just accomplish one or two.

Here is my list, in no specific order.

  1. To be more organized. I mean, just because I'm in my last year of college does not mean it's too late to get organized. I am a busy girl with school, work, volunteering, babysitting, Colleges Against Cancer meetings and still trying to throw in somewhat of a social life. I am surprised that I have made it this far without writing everything on a calendar or planner on a regular basis.
  2. To pick up my room a couple of times a week. I get busy (see above) so it is very hard for me to keep my room clean. But I guess if you ask my mother, I've always had that problem. I truly am trying, I mean mostly it's just clothes...which leads me to my next resolution.
  3. Do laundry every other week! Most would think this is not enough, however, I'm guilty of going almost a month, sometimes a bit longer without doing all my laundry. I usually wait until I am out of undies or socks. (Yes, it's sickening that I can go that long, I know.) However, I will do about one random load with a bunch of everything in it, when needed. I think this one might actually work out since we now have to wear certain shirts to work and I only have 3.
  4. Hit the gym or run 4 times a week. This should also be easily accomplished with the motivation of my boyfriend who tries to work out almost everyday.
  5. Read more.
  6. Make meals. It's not that I do not cook, but I feel as though I should learn to make something more than hotdogs & mac&cheese, spaghetti, chicken & grilled cheese. I have a few cookbooks, a beautiful crockpot (thanks to my fabulous parents) and a very big appetite (until I actually start eating). I think I have what it takes considering one time at work I made homemaid meatballs and even touched the raw meat to mix things in and to form them into balls. To add onto this, my main goal is to learn how to make the perfect homemaid chicken pot pie.
  7. Do not buy so many shoes. Strictly one pair or less per month. (be quiet momma)
  8. Keep in touch with friends. Many of my friends are graduating in May, I know it will be hard to maintain a good relationship, but I do not want to drift too much from them.
  9. Do not take everything out on my boyfriend. Sometimes I think it's just easiest to be mad at him because he's the closest to me and it's easier to hurt those closest to you, even if the true reason that you're in a terrible mood has nothing to do with that individual.
  10. Be strong. I'm a 21 year old baby. The person closest to me at school (my boyfriend) is leaving for Ohio in May. This will cause much anxiety and be the result of many tears, but I cannot let it ruin how wonderful he is to me and I cannot push him away like I will probably try to do. I will be mad, sad and frustrated for 7 months, but I just need to look at it as it might be one more day that I do not see him, but each day will be one more day closer to seeing him again. It was a very rough 3 month summer with only being 4 hours away and having work, let alone being 10 hours away for 7 months.
  11. Bite my tongue. Lately, in my stressed and very anxious life I have had an extremly hard time with not saying how I feel about certain situations, even if I know that some things should not be said. I am the queen of rude.
  12. Be nice to my sister. (see above and below)
  13. Understand that everyone comes from different backgrounds and have their own skeletons and secrets and realize that not everyone is going to understand everything and that they do not think the same way as I do, even if what I am thinking is right. (wow, what a run on sentence) I also have to understand that some people haven't had all the same life experiences that I have had, so they are not going to understand why things happen and how to fix and handle situations.
  14. Do not be so stubborn & realize that maybe I do not always have the answers and I will not always be right.
  15. Get a part time job.
  16. Volunteer more than 1.5 hours a week. I hope this isn't too hard, even if I just volunteer another 30 minutes, I'm sure it will help.
  17. Have more daddy/daughter dates.
  18. Floss daily or more than twice a month. It has been proven that gum disease is directly related to heart disease...chew on that for a while.
  19. Wear my seatbelt daily. (I can already here you being mad about this one momma)
  20. Clean my car every other week. Believe it or not, my car looks like my bedroom. I just have stuff thrown everywhere, because like previously stated, I am not very organized.
  21. Laugh a lot more.
  22. Do not take everything so seriously.
  23. Do not hold grudges.
  24. Do not be so wasteful. Use all of something before throwing it out or buying more. Try to eat leftovers. Unplug appliances when not using them, even if it's just my cell phone charger.
  25. Wait to cool down before talking or texting people when mad. (this can go with previous statements of biting my tongue.)
  26. Figure out what kind of toilet paper I need before going to the store so I do not have a panic attack in the middle of the toilet paper isle.
  27. Reduce anxiety and panic attacks. Don't ask how but I'll figure something out, even if I do need to be medicated for it, considering it has been an issue for quite some time and some very rude doctor thought it was a LARGE concern in my life.
  28. Go to the doctor at least once a year for a health check up/physical. (Stop rolling your eyes momma.) Also, I need to get my tetnus shot (considering I haven't had one since kindergarten) and stop being such a baby when it comes to actually needing to take medicine and getting shots or blood tests run for being ill.
  29. Grow my hair back out.
  30. Visit my family more considering I have momma withdrawals weekly. Nobody thought I'd be able to go away to college considering how homesick I always used to get, even if I just was across town staying at a friends for the night.
  31. Breathe & take time for myself. I need to realize that I cannot do everything on my own and it's okay to ask for help.

Alright, don't think I'm ridiculous for having 30 because I could probably find more BUT I think this is a good start. I mean seriously, you think I should be able to accomplish at least ONE of these. HA


Lazy nights...

How many college students do you know that just sit at home by themselves on a Friday night? Well, I do. I probably should be doing laundry, cleaning my disastrous room or even doing the four dishes in the sink (before they turn into 34), but I'm not. I'm probably going to be laying on my couch until I go to bed tonight, heck, I may even just sleep on this thing tonight, just so I don't have to get up and go into my room. I am that lazy. At least tonight anyway. I'm so lazy that I just texted my friend to see if she was at work, instead of getting up and looking at the schedule myself. (By the way, she's working.)

So, why am I just sitting here by myself? The easy answer would be that I have no friends, but that is not the truth (see above). The truth is, my roommate is gone, my friends are working and my boyfriend is somewhere in Utah skiing through avalanches. Which brings me to my next point. IT'S SO FRICKEN COLD OUTSIDE. I'm freezing now, bundled all up and watching the news. Well no one should ever watch the news because nothing good ever comes from watching the news. We live in one messed up and scary world, but perhaps I'll rant about that a different day. ANYWAY so I'm watching the news and 2 people died lastnight in 2 different car accidents due to this craphole weather we have. I never really understood why the roads don't get plowed, and when they do, I can't tell if they actually get scraped or if the stupid County just dumps 7 inches of sand on it? WELL, watching the news apparently they passed a new something, (I wouldn't call it a law, but maybe a rule and I know that still isn't even the right word for it) that the plows will not plow side streets (which I so conveniently live on) until there are at least 3 inches of snow from ONE snowstorm instead of the 2 inches that they apparently used to wait for. WHAT A STUPID IDEA!!! I'd like to meet the person who had this brilliant idea. So what if today it snowed 2 inches and tomorrow it snowed 1 inch and Sunday it snowed 2 more inches...would the snowplows come then? PROBABLY NOT because 3 inches didn't come down in one single storm. So I'll just continue to drive on the sideroads with 5 inches of snow on them because it's like the cool thing to do. UGH! how annoying! Also, the news just let me know that next Wed-Friday with the windchill we can be expecting up to (is up to even right? I feel like that is what you say when it's going to be warm) -30 degree weather. Boy, I just cannot wait for that... my roommate will be conveniently located in Vegas during those days, perhaps I'll pack myself up in her suitcase and go for a lil ride.

Anyway, I'm out. I may or may not be back depending on if I actually have something to blog about. However, I'm sure they will never be as funny as my aunts blog. She has some interesting stories to tell. My momma too, well when she has that baby around. He's just so presh.